Yearly Archives - 2016

October 2016

Amendments on the Cyprus “intellectual property box”

The Cyprus parliament has passed a law amending the Income Tax Law to bring its provisions on taxation of income from the use or sale of intangible assets into line with the “modified nexus” approach. This approach, which was agreed by G20 leaders towards the end of 2014 and adopted by the OECD and the EU, allows a taxpayer to benefit from an intellectual property taxation regime, commonly known as an IP box, only to the extent that it can show...

February 2016

Permanent Residency in Cyprus for non-E.U nationals

Permanent Residency in Cyprus for non-E.U nationals There has been a recent increase in the interest of third country nationals obtaining immigration permits in the Republic of Cyprus, as Cyprus is a popular and very appealing destination for third country nationals who would like to obtain a Permanent Residency Permit in an EU country. Non-EU nationals wishing to reside permanently in Cyprus can do so by applying for an Immigration Permit. This Permit is granted for an indefinite duration to non-EU nationals...