Administrative Law
Our law firm provides legal advice and representation before the Administration Court of Cyprus and Cyprus Supreme Court, to every individual, institution or business, regarding all legal issues of Cyprus Administrative law.
Cyprus Administrative Law is mainly the field of law that governs the structure and functioning of the public service and the state in general and also the relations created between the state who is enforcing its decisions on one hand and the individuals, who are forced to oblige to these decisions on the other.
Administrative Law provides the adequate safeguards and remedies to the citizen and / or individual against the decisions and / or actions of the state, that affect their rights and not so rarely against the abuse of power by the authorities.
Our clientele includes a number of individuals seeking protection and or compensation against the decisions and acts of the state.
In the field of Administrative Law it is of the out-most importance that the client acts immediately against any government decision affecting his / her rights, as there is a limitation period of 75 days, beginning from the day that the relevant decision and / or act was served to them. After the lapse of this limitation period, the individual can take no legal actions against any such decision and / or act, as this becomes final and irrevocable
For any further information, please contact our law firm at info@paraskevasllc.com or telephone: +357 22432800.